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Exploring Past Lives in Russia
by Alexander Gerdin and Kahue

Do you believe you have lived before? Have you ever had the feeling you have been somewhere before, when you know in this lifetime you have not? There are very few people in the modern world who are knowledgeable about the science of reincarnation and who can also assist anyone in recalling their past lives.

One of the first people in the modern world who started to use a method of reincarnation recall (past life therapy) for healing diseases, which are hard or impossible to cure by classical medical methods, was the Russian man Boris Goldovsky. Some present day masters use crystals to assist with past life recall, others use hypnosis or hypnotherapy. Boris has his own special practices which have been acquired over a lifetime of study and experience. His own daughter has become top of her class in Germany in the German language, all the German language being self ‘taught’ with the help of father Boris, through past life therapy.

Neva News had an opportunity of one to one discussion with Boris Goldovsky and now we share some of interesting aspects about this talented individual with our readers. Boris has managed to explore in some detail 11 of his own prior incarnations or past lives.


What is Reincarnation?

Reincarnation, also called Transmigration or Metempsychosis, is referred to in scriptures of both religion and philosophy and is in effect a rebirth of physical existence in one or more successive lifetimes. The physical lifetimes may be in a human, animal, or in some other form. The proof of reincarnation lies more in the field of faith not so much in practice, however, some people can prove and demonstrate what they experience in a reincarnation meditation. In addition there are well documented practices where a child has requested that the parents take them to see a place in their past life which they recall in this life. This individual recall seems to be more vivid when the person died in their previous life in a sudden and tragic circumstance. There are also specific instances where Indian Masters, such as Sri Sai Baba, have documented who they were in a past life and when they are going to leave the present physical life and when they are going to reincarnate again. Also the Dalai Lama and many of his fellow Buddhist masters attest to the reality of past lives and reincarnation.

 The results of many world researches into reincarnation suggest that many of our various incarnations/lives are shared often with the same relatives and friends, in a similar circle with only the role of each person changing from one incarnation to another. So for example, in one life a person might be a husband, and in another life a father or a brother or a son or a friend or a lover of the same woman, or even they both might change their sex and he can become a wife when she can become a husband or son or daughter. “Apparently,” says Goldovsky, “this means that if a person has not solved some relationships problems in one life, then in future lives he/she continues to interact with the same souls and this lasts until the problem is solved.” 


Boris Goldovsky

Dr. Boris Goldovsky is now President of the Russian Foundation of ENIOtechnologies (energy-informational technologies), a member of International Register of Complementary Medicine and a winner of many international prizes such as: Chizhevsky prize (1995), Vernadsky prize (1998), “The Star of a Master” (the highest prize in complementary medicine, 2000), the Golden Medal and “The Elite of the Folk Medicine” (2005). Boris Goldovsky studied psychology in All-Union Laboratory of Suggestology and Suggestive Pedagogics in Odessa, now in Ukraine but then part of the former USSR. Boris now lives in St. Petersburg, Russia. He has held more than 800 reincarnation sessions with many different people in 23 different countries.


Reincarnation Meditation

             Boris has in his library over 130 hours of unique video recordings with individual and group reincarnation meditations. During such meditations, Boris says, “people recalled distinctly their previous incarnations, very brightly, to the smallest detail. These recollections, once recalled using this method of meditation, are then kept in the person’s memory for a whole lifetime. Dreams are often difficult to recall in the morning after a night dreaming, even in a fragmented form. However all of what is reconnected within a Reincarnation Meditation remains in detail in one's memory literally hour after hour, day after day. What is also important, is that in the future the people who have undertaken such Reincarnation Meditation can take themselves to different parts of their previous lives at any time,” Goldovsky added.

“Reincarnation Meditation is a deep reflection. The right meditation requires a calming of vibrations of thought matter. It must be an absolute calm of thoughts. In India this state is called Chitta-vritti. It can be reached through long training utilising special techniques,” Boris stated. Boris uses these techniques, learned from his extensive training, to assist his clients or colleagues in revisiting past lives.

 “To begin a reincarnation meditation I use suggestion, to progress towards an altered state of mind, leaving aside the conscious barrier. It is a speechless influence by a particular field, a substantial part of which is an electromagnetic field,” says Dr Boris Goldovsky. “I’m also working now on a device that will help people to enter this state of meditation. This device will allow them to solve difficult problems themselves and will be a kind of internal faultless adviser,” added Boris.


Past Lives Affect Our Present

In our present being our past lives play a great role. Almost all our problems, including problems with our health, our relations with relatives and friends, our appearance and particular features, according to Boris Goldovsky, have roots in our previous lives. In previous lives they were also inherited from an earlier life and so on. “Some people call this a genetic memory, nevertheless this description seems not true to me. I would call it an information memory. Because genes are passed on from parents, but previous lives were not necessarily with these present day parents,” Boris explained.

 We often appear to be deaf and blind to signs that are sent to us. It’s difficult for us to learn lessons from our own present life, net alone from a chain of our previous lives. Reincarnation Meditations can help us realize the problem which makes our life what it is, so as not to “step on the same rake” so many times suggests Dr. Goldovsky.
Most of present day diseases relate to so called psychosomatic sources, i.e. are caused by a mind/soul state of a person. It’s very difficult to heal such illnesses by classical medical methods. In medical reference books one can see that the reasons of many serious diseases are still not defined by medicine. These reasons often lie in the blueprint “inherited” from previous lives of a person. Such difficult illnesses, which are beyond the control of the classical medicine, can be healed through Reincarnation Meditation, which is an element of what is today also called Psychotherapy. This method is sometimes indispensable in curing neuroses, including sexual neuroses. “My first results showed a high effectiveness of reincarnation usage in healing these diseases”, says Boris. “Many people first try this technique of Reincarnation Meditation with some fear, even when we do this as part of a big group of people under my constant management. However, after having gone through past life experiences, including sometimes disasters and tragedies, during a Reincarnation Meditation they often come out of this state with a delight in eyes. Experience shows me that after a Reincarnation Meditation participants often interrupt each other, explaining episodes of their previous lives. The first experience in this form of meditation is often followed by a desire to climb deeper and further through the scale of Time.


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